Foods that take care of the health of the intestine

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By pro_admin

Digestive and stomach problems are quite normal among a large part of the population and the causes of such problems must be sought in a bad and deficient diet. To solve this and take care of the health of your intestine, it is important that you incorporate a series of foods into your daily diet that help you relieve those digestive problems that you usually suffer continuously such as gas or stomach pains. Take note and do not miss detail of these foods so good for the stomach and digestion.

Good foods for the digestive system

Oat. Oatmeal is a food with numerous benefits for your health. It is an excellent source of fiber so it helps improve digestion. In addition to this, it is a food that satisfies hunger and reduces cholesterol levels. 

Apple. Apple is a perfect food to treat stomach pains. This is because it is rich in insoluble fiber and a substance called pectin. You can eat it mid-morning or in the afternoon due to its low caloric intake and its ability to satisfy hunger.

Cinnamon. This excellent aphrodisiac is perfect for treating diarrhea and any stomach pain you have. In the event that you usually suffer gas, it is a product that will help you expel them without any problem. Although the most normal thing is to take it in powder form in sweets and desserts, you can also take it in infusions.

Fennel. Fennel is an excellent food to facilitate digestion after eating. If you suffer from stomach problems such as gas, fennel intake will help you end them.

Avocado. The natural oils of avocado are perfect for digestion and for good stomach health. You can take it in salad or in a sandwich.

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