Foods to fight the heat and the false myth of ice cream

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By pro_admin

Light and cotton clothes, cold showers, swimming pools, air conditioning… All this is fine to face the unbearable heat that stalks us this summer. However, many forget about food, a fundamental factor to combat the annoying and even dangerous effects of high temperatures.

Ice cream is the most used resource when thermometers rise in summer, but that does not mean that it is the most appropriate. In fact, the American Chemical Society of the United States warns of the common mistake of consuming ice cream believing that we fight the heat in this way, since they cause just the opposite: “Ice cream cools when eaten, but creates heat in the medium term due to its high levels of protein.”

According to its experts, ice cream is like a placebo. On the other hand, there are other foods that we forget or do not know that do help us cool our body. From the American Chemical Society advise the following to include them these days in our diet.

Food against heat

Fruits and vegetables, such as celery, watermelon, peaches, apricots and cucumber, provide a good dose of water for the body.

-Whole grains: rich in minerals such as magnesium, they help recover energy after physical exercise.

-Spicy spices such as pepper cause a thermostat effect on the body.

-Hot drinks, such as mint tea, help to sweat and thus release body heat.

-Beer and wine, always in their right measure, can also help refresh the body.

-And of course, water, although it will be more effective of the weather instead of cold to balance body temperature.

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