If you have decided to eat in a balanced and healthy way you have done well. A correct diet together with the right physical exercise will allow you to have a health in perfect condition, something that your body will appreciate positively.
Below are a series of foods that will help you eat well and benefit your body.
What foods help us learn to eat well
–Garlic. Garlic is a food that can not be missing in your daily diet. It has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. In addition, it is a great source of antioxidants so it has many cardiovascular benefits. It is advisable to eat at least one clove of garlic every day.
–Olive oil. The main benefit of olive oil is that it helps reduce so-called bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol. Olive oil is also full of antioxidants called phenols that protect everything related to the arterial system. The most advisable is undoubtedly extra virgin olive oil.
–Broccoli. This vegetable is the perfect food to avoid getting any type of cancer in the future. This is because it is very rich in sulfur, an element that helps detoxify potentially carcinogenic compounds.
–Yoghurt. Another staple food is a healthy diet is yogurt. Its properties will help you avoid any stomach problems and eliminate any kind of harmful bacteria from the intestine. The most advisable is the intake of products descramados or with little fat.
–Oat. There’s nothing healthier than a handful of oatmeal in the morning along with some milk or low-fat yogurt. This cereal helps you reduce high cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of suffering a heart attack.
–Vegetables. Foods such as beans, chickpeas or lentils are an excellent source of soluble fiber so they are very good for the heart and to reduce high cholesterol.
These are some foods that you can not stop eating if you want to do it in a really healthy way.