If you want to lose weight and lose those extra kilos in a really healthy way, it is important that you know what foods you can mix without any problems.
Forget about the so-called miracle diets and opt for a type of rich and balanced diet that allows you to eat a little bit of everything and perfectly combining food. Take note because I immediately explain how you should mix in a correct way and lose those kilos that bother you so much.
How you should mix food in a diet
If you know how to mix food in a balanced way, it is much better than following one of the so-called miracle diets since you do not eliminate any type of nutrient that the body needs to function perfectly. In this way, you do not need to eliminate from your diet the so-called complex carbohydrates as if most diets do because it is a quick way to lose weight and eliminate kilos.
The problem arises when the body, in the absence of carbohydrates, transforms everything you eat into fat and the so-called rebound effect occurs.
To lose the kilos in a healthy way it is important to do a little exercise a day and reduce the amount of food eaten but without giving up any type of nutrient. You can mix without problems a little rice or pasta with some meat, chicken or tuna and accompanied with a rich vegetable salad.
Apart from being able to combine certain foods, it is very important that you avoid accompanying your meals with some type of drink. It is advisable to drink water about 30 minutes before you start eating and about 90 minutes after you finish eating. In this way you do not slow down digestion and prevent fat from accumulating in your body.