Forbidden diets if you have digestive problems

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By pro_admin

When starting a diet that helps you lose weight, you should make sure that this weight loss plan is healthy and does not cause health problems. If you have a delicate stomach and you usually have digestive problems, do not miss detail of those foods that you should exclude from this diet to avoid future stomach problems.

Foods to avoid if you have stomach problems

Sugar. If you consume sugar, in addition to being really harmful to your health, it causes stomach pain and favors the formation of annoying gases. That is why the chosen diet should be free of sugar consumption.

Dairy products. The consumption of dairy products produces cramps and gas in the stomach. The most advisable thing is to replace lactose with other healthier vegetable milks such as oat, almond or soy.

Fats. Foods high in saturated fats are harmful to health and cause stomach problems such as inflammation or pain. Avoid at all times the consumption of products rich in saturated fats and opt for foods such as vegetables or fruit.

Sugary drinks. Sugary drinks such as Coca Cola, in addition to containing high doses of sugar, are prone to abdominal discomfort due to the formation of gases inside the stomach itself. Replace these drinks with water or infusions as they are much healthier for the body.

Caffeine. Foods that contain high doses of caffeine such as coffee or chocolate are bad for the stomach as they usually generate diarrhea and slow down digestion which causes burning and general discomfort.

Spicy foods. If you have stomach problems do not think about consuming spicy products. These types of foods cause heartburn and bloating throughout the intestinal tract. You should opt for a type of diet that is light and with few calories.

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