From dieting to eating healthy: the maintenance phase

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By pro_admin

The diet is useless if you do not change your habits later and do not eat in a healthy way. This phase in which it is essential to maintain the ideal weight achieved during the months of diet is called the maintenance phase. Only in this way can you return to a weight according to your physique and without any fat.

The maintenance phase after the diet

The good habits acquired throughout the weight loss plan must be maintained to avoid at all times the reacquisition of the kilos lost in the diet. In this maintenance phase you must eat in a varied way to provide the body with the necessary nutrients to function perfectly. You should not eat more than you need and eat only the calories you need to satisfy your appetite.

It is good that you eat every 3 or 4 hours to keep the metabolism fully active and can burn the calories ingested in an effective and fast way. If you want to maintain the ideal weight and avoid taking a few kilos again you must maintain a diet without any fat and combine it with some physical exercise. Sport will help you stay fit and control your weight day after day.

As you can see, the maintenance phase is just as important as the diet itself so it is important and essential to continue with healthy habits once you finish with the weight loss plan. Eating in a healthy way has become essential today when it comes to being able to boast of a perfect body without any fat and avoid future health problems.


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