Good foods for digestion

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By pro_admin

Digestive and stomach problems are the most frequent in the entire population and range from the mildest that can consist of simple gas or constipation to slightly more serious cases such as ulcers or irritable bowel. To avoid all these problems, a good diet is essential and should be composed of a series of foods that help improve your digestion. If you are one of those who have continuous problems with your stomach, take note of the following foods that you should incorporate into your daily diet.

What you should eat to have good digestion

Yogurt. Yogurt is one of the foods that most helps good digestion. Thanks to the presence of probiotics that are nothing more than live microorganisms that help strengthen the immune system and improve the intestinal flora. A yogurt a day will help you to have your stomach in perfect condition.

Olive oil. Olive oil is the basis of the Mediterranean diet thanks to its innumerable benefits for the body. Its intake favors a better absorption of nutrients in the intestines and avoids the acidity that usually occurs from time to time in the stomach.

Apple. The apple is rich in pectin and soluble vegetable fiber which will promote digestion and prevents fermentation in the intestine at all times. In addition to this, it reduces constipation and reduces bad cholesterol. It is best to eat apples with skin and thus maintain a good digestive tract.

Pineapple. Pineapple is a fruit that contains bromelain, it is an enzyme that helps eliminate proteins that are difficult to digest. The intake of this type of food is very good to treat instinctive or stomach conditions.

Fennel. This type of aromatic plant is ideal for good digestion. In the event that you usually suffer slow, heavy digestion and with gas, fennel can not be missing in your usual diet. 

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