Healthy diet in summer: foods to avoid gaining weight

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By pro_admin

Summer is a time of year of many excesses and in which most people forget to eat a balanced and healthy diet. To maintain the figure and avoid taking a few extra kilos, it is best to consume a series of foods that thanks to their properties will help you not to gain weight and keep your body and health in perfect condition. Take note of the foods you should take during the summer and follow a healthy and fat-free diet.

Foods to avoid gaining weight during the summer

Tomato. There is nothing healthier and refreshing than having a delicious tomato salad. It is a powerful antioxidant that protects you from various diseases such as cardiovascular or cancer. A highly nutritious and low-calorie food that can not be missing in your summer diet.

Sardines. Sardines are the most advisable oily fish to eat in the summer along with anchovies. Its high content of healthy fats such as omega3 acids and proteins, make sardines a very complete food for your body and ideal for health.

Cucumber. Cucumber has no calories and contains a lot of water so its intake during the summer will help you stay perfectly hydrated. It is an excellent diuretic and very rich in fiber so it is perfect for eliminating toxins and all kinds of impurities from the body. To make the most of its nutrients, it is advisable to take it with the skin.

Watermelon. It is the most popular fruit of the summer and contains 95% water so its intake helps the kidneys eliminate toxins from the body. It is rich in vitamins such as C or A and being very low in calories, it helps you control your weight.

Courgette. The intake of zucchini provides the body with numerous minerals, vitamins and fiber. Apart from this, it is a powerful antioxidant and thanks to its few calories, it is ideal to eat it in summer and avoid taking a few extra kilos.

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