Healthy foods for spring

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By pro_admin

It’s spring, the good weather has arrived and it’s a good time to show off your figure. A healthy, balanced diet along with a little physical exercise is what you need to stay in good shape. That is why I am going to list a list of healthy and nutritious foods that you can eat for spring and think about showing off a good body for the summer that is approaching.

Healthy foods for spring

Nuts. This nut is an excellent source of tryptophan, an amino acid that the body needs to create serotonin, which makes you feel in a good mood. Nuts are digested slowly which helps reduce high levels of stress.

Asparagus. These healthy vegetables are an excellent source of folic acid, a type of B vitamin that helps you feel good, positive and away from possible depressive episodes. In addition, they are perfect to include in the diet due to the few calories you have and the nutrients they provide to the body.

Vegetables. One of the best options to eat in spring and that will help you lose weight are legumes. This is because the body expends energy when digesting legumes. As a recommendation, you can make a warm salad of chickpeas or lentils.

Spinach. Spinach is an excellent source of iron that your body needs in order to have enough energy to perform throughout the day. Don’t stop eating spinach if you want to feel active throughout the day.

Artichokes. Another vegetable that can not miss in your diet for this spring are artichokes. They are rich in numerous nutrients and minerals including magnesium, ideal to give you all the energy you need.

These are some of the foods that you can enjoy during this spring and that are totally healthy for your body.

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