How long do open avocados last? Tricks to keep them longer

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If we talk about one of the fashionable fruits, without a doubt, we would have to mention the avocado. Protagonist in breakfasts, salads and sauces has become the favorite piece for many people looking for easy and quick recipes to incorporate this food into their daily diet.

And why does everyone love avocado? Doctors, mothers, athletes… The avocado “has won the heart” of many people and best of all is that it has an incredible energy contribution. It is rich in minerals, vitamins and fats known as “good” (such as those in nuts or olive oil, for example). Do you think that’s not enough? Well, there’s more! Avocado is highly recommended to avoid cardiovascular disease and, in addition, helps reduce ‘bad’ cholesterol rates.

It is very likely that if right now we ask you if you have an avocado in the fridge at home you will answer yes. And surely more than once you have opened one, you will not have eaten it whole and you will have wondered: Will I be able to eat tomorrow what has been left over or will it spoil? How long do avocados last once they are opened?

Do not worry, in Diario Femenino we answer all your questions and, in addition, we tell you some very effective tricks to preserve the avocado longer. It’s not exactly cheap fruit to waste, don’t you think? Attentive!

How long do avocados last without spoiling once they are opened?

There is no doubt that avocados are delicious and have great benefits for our health, but as often happens with everything in this life, avocado also has some other “but”: in contact with air it oxidizes very quickly.

From the moment it opens (you know: transverse knife, tap to nail it into the bone and turn of the blade to open it), it gradually loses that characteristic green color that we like so much and, in return, it acquires a rather unpleasant and unappetizing color. Exactly the same as with the apple or the potato.

Although the taste remains the same and the ugly look can be eliminated by removing the surface layer, we are not going to fool you, the ideal is that you eat it whole the same day you open it. But if you can’t do it, don’t worry, you don’t have to throw it away (don’t do it, they’re expensive!). There are some tricks that can help you keep it a little longer without rusting. We’ll tell you!

Tricks to preserve avocado

We do not pretend that the avocado lasts you two weeks in the fridge (it is impossible!), but we assure you that these tips will help you keep it looking pleasant for at least two days in a row. More than enough to eat it whole, right?

1You can start by changing your shopping routine. That is, do not buy the ripe avocado, it is preferable that you take it from the greengrocer a little hard and let it ripen little by little at home. How to know if the avocado is still unripe? A trick: it should not be too soft or have cracks. When you get home, put it in a conservation bag. Do the same (taking out all the air) when you’ve started it.

Take all the filling out of the avocado, crush it a little (as if you were going to make guacamole) and leave the pit in the middle of the mixture. You will see how it lasts longer!

3You can throw a few drops of lemon juice to last a little longer, although, to be honest, this trick will only serve to keep the avocados in good condition for about 24 hours. In addition, this tip of lemon has a problem and that is that it gives an acid touch to the avocado that may not everyone like … Some say that milk also works (as in the case of potatoes) and is a good way to avoid that acidic taste we are talking about.

4Wrap it in cling film tightly attached to the surface. Do not be in a hurry, give yourself your time to stick all the folds around the seed well. This will prevent the avocado from coming into contact with the air and oxidizing.

5Similar to the previous trick and also with the aim of avoiding oxidation: place a plate on top and line it with plastic.

6Remove the seed and bring the two halves back together by placing one on top of the other in the original position. In this way, you will be able to limit exposure to air to the maximum and, although there will be oxidation, it will be much lower.

Cut onion into julienne and create a base with it in a tupperware. Then, place the avocado on top (the peel may be in contact with the onion) and close it with the lid of the tupperware. This trick is incredibly effective thanks to the liquid given off by the onion. You will find the avocado as if you had just opened it.

If you are a fan of avocado, surely you will have these tricks to keep it longer very present always. Now you just have to collect some recipes with avocado and enjoy this delicious and wonderful fruit! Yum, yum!

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