How many calories can you consume on the weekend?

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By pro_admin

There are many people who decide to start a diet in order to lose weight and be able to boast of a good body during these approaching summer months. In this case it is essential to follow a type of low-calorie and nutritious diet from Monday to Sunday regardless of whether it is a weekend or not. If what you want is to return to your ideal weight and leave behind a few kilos that you do not want to see or paint, do not lose detail and take good note of the calories you can consume on the weekend.

How many calories you can consume over the weekend

The calories consumed during the weekend are just as important as those on weekdays. It is useless to have a strict diet from Monday to Friday if when the weekend arrives you forget about the plan and end up consuming many more calories than your body needs. Losing weight is not easy and simple and requires a lot of perseverance and sacrifice to be able to eliminate those extra kilos from your body. It is worth following a type of diet throughout the week, since with the passage of time you will be able to meet all the objectives set and you can once again boast of a body of ten, especially now that the good weather arrives and you want to go to the beach.

+You can follow some kind of diet that allows you to give yourself some kind of joy during the weekend. One of the most advisable is the 80/20 plan and is that this type of diet It is based on a percentage of 80 and 20. The first percentage refers to low-calorie foods with numerous nutrients, while the second refers to somewhat more caloric foods. If you follow this type of diet you can give yourself some whim during the weekend. The problem with this diet is that it is more focused on those people who want to maintain weight.

+That is why it is best to consume a certain number of calories and help you lose some weight every week. The most important thing is to create a caloric deficit or what is the same, consume much fewer calories than you end up burning. If you follow this concept from Monday to Sunday, you will not have any kind of problem when it comes to losing kilos and approaching your ideal weight. Remember that although at first it is hard to drastically change habits, with the passage of time perseverance and effort has its reward and you can boast of a figure of ten.

Low calorie menus for the weekend

Here are a couple of examples of saludablse menus for the weekend with the aim of consuming what you need to stay at your ideal weight:


At breakfast time you can have a coffee with milk (always remember skimmed or semi-skimmed) accompanied by a couple of slices of wholemeal bread with oil and tomato. In the middle of the morning, choose between a piece of fruit, such as an apple or pear, or if you prefer, a skimmed yogurt. At lunchtime you can make some slices of grilled tuna accompanied by some tomatoes; In the middle of the afternoon, an infusion or a skimmed yogurt and, for dinner, you can make a couple of grilled chicken breast fillets with a defatted broth.


At breakfast you can have a coffee with milk along with two toasts with butter with jam. At mid-morning, a piece of fruit, such as a kiwi or a fresh naranaja juice. For lunch you can make a beef skewer with vegetables; In the middle of the afternoon you can have a skimmed yogurt and, for dinner, prepare a delicious scrambled prawns with asparagus.

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