How to lose weight at age 50

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By pro_admin

You are in your 50s, you look splendid and, at the same time, satisfied with yourself for the goals you have been achieving in your life. However, you want to continue looking like a type and you are afraid that hormones and a possible change in metabolism will play tricks on you and make you gain some weight. Calm, eating a healthy and balanced diet, doing some exercise and following these tips, you will give corner without any problem to those extra kilos.

Season with cayenne pepper

Pepper helps keep the metabolism balanced as well as helps reduce cravings. A 2011 study found that women who added cayenne pepper to dishes needed a lower amount of calorie intake, as well as a lower desire to consume fatty, sweet or salty foods.

Eat slowly

Have you ever noticed that young children take a long time to eat? This can be another ideal way to lose weight and stay fit. We tend to consume more food than necessary as we get older due to stress. To avoid this, expert nutritionists advise returning to childhood habits and eating small doses of food in more time. A smaller plate will make a small portion of food seem larger, and they rightly say that food enters us first of all through the eyes.

Plan meals

Now more than ever you must plan daily meals, you may think that cooking now is not as necessary as before when, for example, your children were small, but nothing is further from reality. Organize and think about what you are going to eat that week, avoid precooked meals and those high in fat, do not be afraid to freeze part of the food you are going to consume if you go just in time, and always include fish, legumes, fruits and vegetables in your diet. In short, focus on quality rather than quantity.

Turn off the TV while you eat

Several studies have shown that if you eat in front of the TV you can consume between 13 and 25 percent more calories than if you eat with the television off. Better to converse with someone or enjoy a moment of silence for oneself. Have you heard of Mindfulness eating?

Whims can also be slimmed down at 50

Have you ever seen yourself trying not to eat that chocolate cake you’ve been craving all day? You try to resist and in the end you eat some cookies, a bun and also the cake. One way to enjoy some of these foods that are so desired without abusing them is to allow yourself a few bites, that is, if from time to time you want something sweet or some salty snacks, go ahead, as long as it is not daily there is no problem. The best way to avoid being overwhelmed with cravings is to give in to them moderately.

Again we remind you that you should eat five meals a day in a healthy way and never forget to exercise in moderation. It’s never too late to change your lifestyle habits and find a weight that makes you happy.

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