Sugar is one of those foods that are harmful and harmful to health, so it is very important to eliminate it from the diet as soon as possible. However, we know that saying goodbye to this product is definitely hard and you may not know very well how to start.
How to reduce sugar from your diet progressively? Where can you start? All these questions to eliminate sugar once and for all from your life have answers, so you should pay close attention. We tell you the benefits of this reduction as well as some foods that will be much more beneficial to your health. Started!
The dangerous effect of sugar on your body
The World Health Organization recommends a consumption of 25 grams a day of sugar. If the consumption is very high and you go over that amount, you could suffer a problem in your body that, in the long run, can become something more serious.
Excess glucose can lead to cavities and various dental problems as well as a reduction in the consumption of other necessary minerals and nutrients. Among them can be calcium, vitamin A, iron or fiber, all of them very important for the proper functioning of the body.
In addition, excess sugars can cause problems such as obesity, hypertension, overweight or high blood cholesterol content. And not only that, we could also be talking about an irreversible diabetes problem in your life for nothing desirable, right?
As if this were not enough, you should know that excessive sugar consumption can cause a loss of control over leptin, the hormone responsible for controlling the feeling of hunger. This could result in a high weight gain, because you could not control yourself and you would be hungry at all times.
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How to Start Cutting Back on Sugar
Once we know the negative effects of sugar, it’s time to get down to business. As we said at the beginning, it is essential to reduce the consumption of this food almost to a minimum to maintain a healthy and balanced diet.
But, yes, it is also important to do it very slowly. The reason? We must accustom the body to a specific diet, and educate it not to make the same mistakes again in the future. So grab a pencil, paper and take note of the following tips:
+Eliminate sugary drinks from your life
Soft drinks are quite widespread among the population, and nowadays it is practically impossible to meet someone who has never tried them. The consumption of these drinks with carbohydrates supposes a high intake of sugars, because as a general rule they have around 32 grams of sugar and we remind you that the WHO recommends 25 grams a day.
What to do in these cases? Well, the first thing is to stop buying them so as not to have a chance of falling into temptation. The second thing is to choose other drinks that are more favorable to health, such as lemonade or coffee, although even beer or wine can be of great help. It’s simpler than it sounds!
+Add less sugar to coffee, tea, yogurts…
We already know that there are many people who like coffee with a lot of sugar, because the taste of this drink is quite bitter. In these cases it is not necessary to eliminate it completely, you simply have to throw less amount than you normally add. For example, if you throw two tablespoons, from now on reduce to one.
And the same goes for teas, yogurts and many other products to which you normally add that teaspoon of sugar. Nor can you forget the different substitute sweeteners that you can add, which we will talk about later.
+Read the product label
The labeling of products is very important to understand their composition and everything they contain. It is essential that, when you go to the supermarket and pick up a product, turn it over and carefully read everything it says on the label to find out if it is really harmful or not to your health.
On these labels, in addition to a lot of other information, the exact amount of sugar contained in the specific product will be written. It is important to pay special attention to whether the product contains natural sugars, or on the contrary have been added by the manufacturer.
+No to products rich in sugars
The amount of buns, sweets, sweets, jams and endless products that we consume almost daily must be reduced to practically eliminated. We know that it is very difficult to resist the temptation, but you can start by consuming these products less and less until there comes a time when, when you see them, you do not even want to buy them.
+Avoid convenience foods and fast food
As with industrial pastries, ready meals are not very appropriate for health. They are very simple to make, they will take away hours in the kitchen and you can enjoy more leisure time, but what is at stake is your health. So you’d better start cooking a little more and reduce these dishes to specific occasions.
And the same with the so-called ‘fast food’. Pizzas and hamburgers prepared by large chains have a lot of saturated fats and a lot of sugars, which is why you should eliminate it completely from your life. You can treat yourself from time to time, but it is best to make these types of meals yourself.
+Hydrate and drink water
There are times when we think that our body asks us for sugar, when in reality what happens is that it is dehydrated. Hence the importance of drinking plenty of water, the amount needed for each body type, and not just during meals. It is essential to drink water throughout the day to keep the body well purified.
Foods to reduce sugar consumption
As we have seen, eliminating sugar from your life is very complicated. There are certain products to which it is really difficult to say goodbye definitively, and therefore it is normal that we fall into temptation again and again. But did you know that there are foods to replace it? Let’s see them!
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+Eat lots of fruit
When you have a huge sugar craving, instead of going for that chocolate bar or for that delicious bun you can buy anywhere, go for fruit. Apples, pears, bananas, strawberries and a long list of fruits will satisfy your desire to eat sugar in a very healthy way. In addition, this type of food will satisfy you much more than any self-respecting bun.
+Fresh food instead of precooked
Instead of buying those precooked dishes, or going to restaurants or bars to eat in your day to day, it is better to prepare them yourself. How to do it? Go to a butcher or fishmonger and buy fresh foods, which will have much less sugar than those that have been overly processed. It’s that easy!
+Vegetables and legumes
Legumes have a fairly low glucose index and, in addition, are a source of much-needed natural fiber. In addition, there are certain vegetables that also have many nutrients and minerals that will help you make a better digestion and take care of your body as it deserves.
What if instead of eating a chocolate bun you bet on a handful of nuts? Walnuts, almonds, peanuts… Any of these nuts will help you calm your appetite, especially at snack time or mid-morning. Surely, getting used to ingesting them, you will forget the consumption of other foods with more sugars.
+Stevia and other sweeteners
Stevia, agave syrup, maple syrup or honey are the perfect sugar substitutes. All of them will do the same function but will be much more beneficial for your health. And, who said that by giving up sugar you should give up the pleasure of sweet? Try!
Do you have any techniques to reduce sugar in your diet? Do you know any other alternative? In our First Meeting #EntreNosotras dietitians and nutritionists Marina Díaz-Naranjo and Axel Ceinos Moraza told us everything you need to know about the most widespread sugar myths. Press play and don’t miss it!