To have a healthy diet it is essential, first of all, to have hygiene standards and proper storage of food. Protect your family’s health by keeping everything that may come into contact with food clean.
Wash your hands thoroughly before and after contact with food. Using soap, actively rub your hands for 20 seconds under running warm water.
Use hot soapy water during meal preparation to clean dishes, cutlery, kitchen utensils, knives, cutting boards and countertops. Because kitchen sponges and rags can harbor bacteria, it is recommended to use disposable paper towels and cleaners to clean and dry different kitchen surfaces.
How to store food in the fridge
-Keep raw meats and their substances separate from other foods.
Use a thermometer in your refrigerator to make sure the freezer temperature is at -18° C or lower, and that the cooling zone is between 2° C and 5° C. Never leave perishable foods out of the refrigerator for more than two hours.
Refrigerate or freeze leftover food making sure they are well covered, and try to consume them within 2 or 3 days.
Eat fresh fish, chicken, and ground beef within two days of buying them.
Eat other large-cut, uncut meats within three days of buying them. If you are not going to cook them during this time they should be frozen.
Check expiration dates before consuming any food.——
Store food in the pantry
Be careful because some areas of the pantry are cooler than others and this influences the shelf life and appearance of some products. Thus, basic necessities and most frequently used items will be placed closer and in sight, preferably arranged in groups.
–Closed milk containers: they are perfectly preserved in the pantry, sheltered from light, as well as cream, concentrated, powdered and condensed milk.
–Oils: They must be stored in a dark place, in their own container or in another that closes well to prevent the fat from oxidizing and becoming rancid.
–Bread– keeps well for one or two days in a bread basket or cloth bag. It can be put in the fridge inside a plastic bag; It does not mold, but hardens faster, and can be frozen. As for bakery products, it is advisable to keep them in a cool place and refrigerate those containing cream or cream.
–Dehydrated foods and dry products such as rice, pasta and nuts: they are stored at room temperature in cool and completely dry places, because if there is humidity they become moldy. Once opened, these foods are best preserved in airtight containers.
–Potatoes and other tubers: they must be stored in a well-ventilated and dark place. They can be kept longer covered with sand or dirt.
As long as the container is closed, they are perfectly preserved in the pantry, without the need to occupy a space in the fridge: sterilized yogurts that do not need cold; pickles (spring onions, pickles…); preserved fish, meat or vegetables; commercial sauces; jars of jam; some vegetables; eggs… However, all of them, once opened, must be treated as perishable foods and kept refrigerated.