Most women worry about losing weight or showing off a slimmer figure in summer, but what happens when what we want is to gain weight? It may seem strange, but there are many people who are not satisfied with their thinness, and the truth is that, although thin bodies are promoted in the world of fashion and beauty, if the Body Mass Index (BMI) is less than twenty, thinness can be unhealthy and even lead to infertility, hormonal disorders, osteoporosis and other diseases.
Causes of thinness
There are different reasons for thinness. This may be constitutional; This is that its basis is genetic (if this is your case, you must be patient, because the results of a hypercaloric diet are slow). It can also be caused by diseases such as celiac disease, diabetes, and cancer. In more extreme cases, anorexia nervosa may be the cause. For the latter case the treatment must be psychological.
What and how to eat to gain weight
Many times it is believed that gaining weight is as simple as increasing the amounts of food. However, the feeling of satiety can not be overcome and even supplying our stomach with more food than it can cover can be counterproductive for our health. Therefore, gaining weight is usually more difficult than losing weight.
The key is to increase the caloric value without increasing the volume of the dishes. That is, you have to get the same amount of food to provide more energy, but without abandoning a healthy and balanced diet. We must forget, thus, the idea of feeding ourselves based on foods with saturated fats to gain weight.
Pastries, pastries, lard, etc. should be reserved for occasional consumption, because if we abuse this type of food, the only thing we will get is an accelerated weight gain that will also be easily burned, if thinness is constitutional; or, in the worst case, an increase in cholesterol and the consequent saturation of the arteries.
To gain weight without risking health, there are some tricks that can help us, such as eating six or more times a day in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, enriching dishes with cheese, butter, margarine or oil, adding cream or cream to desserts and purees, enriching cereals with honey, sugar or jam; Eat nuts, drink juice between meals, bathe food and fry it, eat them accompanied by sauces and eat plenty of fruit to incorporate fiber with more calories.
Gymnastics can also help put on weight
Although our goal is not to lose weight, but quite the opposite, we must not abandon physical exercise to complete our diet. A good session in the gym keeps the body healthier and also opens the appetite. It also helps the weight to be distributed in a balanced way by the body.
In women who lead a sedentary lifestyle, fat often accumulates in the belly and hips. To prevent this from happening, we can walk at a light pace, run, bike or swim. Exercising weekly also helps lean women build muscle and improve their physical appearance.