Is eating fruit at night a healthy habit?

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By pro_admin

Some say that it is an excellent way to lose weight, others that taking fruit at night gives you extra calories and, at the same time, makes digestion more difficult and we tell you that it all depends on the type and amount of fruit you consume.

Fruit is a very healthy snack to take at night as long as you do not overdo it, thanks to the vitamins, minerals and nutrients it gives us. If you are wondering if it is healthy to take fruit at dinner time, the answer is yes, but you should consume the right fruit in the indicated proportions and do not forget that you should not leave aside other foods.

What fruits can I take at night

Pieces with little fructose. As you well know, the fruit is rich in fructose, something that the body takes time to digest if taken after six in the afternoon. So if you like to take some fruit after this time, choose the pieces that are low in fructose and high in water such as melon, watermelon, peach, coconut, pineapple or grapefruit.

Banana, pear and apple. If you are looking for fruit that is satiating, that helps you fall asleep and that is rich in vitamins and minerals, include these pieces in your diet: banana, pear and apple. Many believe that the banana can be somewhat heavy, even more so if it is taken at certain times, but nothing is further from reality, the banana helps us relax, yes, notice that it is ripe.

The apple is ideal for its satiating effect and the pear for its large amount of water and because it is a great ally against fluid retention.

Fruits that are best avoided at night

Citrus fruits. Citrus fruits such as orange, tangerine or kiwi are not advisable at night as they tend to weigh the stomach due to their acidity and negatively influence sleep cycles.

Strawberries and mangoes are also the fruits that are best avoided at night because of their high level of fructose and because they are difficult to digest. If your body does not burn the sugar provided by the fruit in the following hours, it will convert it into fat.

Does fruit at night make you fat?

+Surely this question has crossed your mind on more than one occasion. No, taking fruit at dinner does not make you fat as long as you consume it seasonally, do not abuse those that have a high fructose content and do not take many pieces together. As we have already told you on several occasions, a piece of fruit and a yogurt are better than two pieces of fruit together.

+Remember that at breakfast, mid-morning and snack time are excellent times to take fruit. There are many nutritionists who advise consuming between three and five pieces of fruit a day.

+Do not forget to take other foods, fruit is fine, but it is not good to dine only fruit. Include purees, fish, non-fatty meats and lots of vegetables in your daily diet and your body will thank you.

In this video you can see Carmen Candela, endocrine doctor, talking about fruit and other nutrition-related issues.

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