Lettuce and other foods that unknowingly bloat you

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By pro_admin

healthy and balanced diet will help you feel good internally and avoid future health problems. That is why you must be careful when consuming certain foods, which can cause great swelling in the abdominal area and stomach-type discomfort such as gas or acidity.

Foods that swell your belly

Lettuce as well as cruciferous vegetables can cause numerous gases and bloating throughout the abdominal area. Although they are foods rich in antioxidants and minerals and you should include them in your daily diet, there are people who do not benefit from their consumption. To avoid such problems it is advisable to steam them and consume them in small quantities.

Other foods famous for being quite indigestible are legumes. These are foods very rich in fiber and with a series of really important nutrients for the body. That is why when consuming chickpeas or beans it is best to do it moderately and without going over. Alcoholic and sugary drinks are products that are not advisable for health since in addition to having too much sugar, they cause numerous problems of bloating in the stomach.

Dairy products are rich in calcium and other nutrients but are very difficult to digest and for people who have lactose intolerance it is a serious digestive problem. To avoid such bloating, it is best to choose to consume plant-type milk such as oat, soy or almond milk.

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