Light soup diets to replace salads

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By pro_admin

For cold days a good option to eat warm without skipping the salad regime is to opt for a good plate of light soup.

The trick is to prepare the soup with one ingredient from each food group, so the light soup will be a complete meal in nutrients. Light soups can be consumed as starters and are of great help to satisfy the appetite because it is a hot dish that removes the feeling of hunger at the moment.

Light soup diet

Soup can be thought of as a complete meal when it contains at least one ingredient from each group. The recipes for a good diet of light soups should have as ingredients the energy of a food rich in carbohydrates (rice, macaroni, corn, potato, cassava, arracacha, corn flour, cornflakes, starch, oats); a source of protein and iron (meat, fish and chicken eggs) and a source of vitamins, minerals and fiber (vegetables in general).

To accompany the light soup, we recommend light toast.

In the preparation of light soup, avoid excess tubers such as potatoes and legumes, such as beans, beans, lentils and peas.

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