When we buy a product, time passes and we have not consumed it right away, we look at the expiration date, right? The same goes for when we return home after a long holiday season. All the food you had at home may have gone bad… Or not?
Although you should not lose the habit of looking at the date that tells us if the food is suitable for consumption, you should keep in mind that there are some fairly durable foods whose date is only the preferred consumption. That is, once that date has passed, the food may lose some of its properties but does not have to spoil.
To save you a lot of money in buying the same products over and over again because you think they are expired, we are going to tell you what are the foods that never or almost never expire as well as how to preserve them. Take note that this interests you!
What foods do not expire?
If we talk about honey we must warn that when it comes to a natural product it will always be much better and healthier than a product bought in the supermarket. In addition, the container of natural honey is usually made of glass or clay, which helps its conservation because air does not enter if it is tightly closed.
Honey is one of those foods that does not expire and whose properties remain practically intact despite the passing of the years. Yes, yes, you read that right: we are even talking about years. Of course, as we have just mentioned, it is important that the boat in which the honey is located is well closed to help its conservation.
Another of the products of habitual consumption that can last us years is salt. Without a doubt, it is one of those condiments that we will always be able to count on without worrying about it expiring or losing its properties.
In fact, in ancient times it was used as a food preservative. Depending on the conditions in which we keep the salt, it may change its texture or clump. But this has an easy solution: you can include some grains of rice among the salt and it will be much easier for this not to happen.
Did you know that rice can be kept for up to 30 years without losing its properties? It seems incredible, but the truth is that this food has a great ease of conservation. Of course, you should store it in dry conditions and in glass containers to make it last much longer. In this way, we can take advantage of the product long after you have bought it. Sounds good, right?
Alcoholic beverages whose graduation is very high can be kept in good condition despite the passage of time. It is possible that the external appearance of the bottle is even modified and, inside, the drink remains exactly the same. It’s awesome!
Vinegar has always been a method of preservation and cleaning used for many years, and can be used after a long period of time. Its acidic properties make its conservation much simpler and easier to carry out. All you need is for it to be kept in a dry place away from heat sources.
Sugar is another of those foods that can be consumed for a long period of time without fear that it can expire, as with salt. To properly preserve this product you need it to be in a dry place and in a completely closed container. This way, sugar can last as long as you want.
As with rice, legumes can also last up to 30 years or so. All beans, chickpeas and lentils that are properly insulated without contact with water or moisture can last as long as you want. With this, you can forget about buying them every time you think they have expired.
+Coffee powder
As long as the properties have not been modified, the instant coffee powder you keep in a jar can last you decades. You can use it in the same conditions as if you had just bought it thanks to the drying process that is carried out with it.
Most of the spices we buy are dried, and you can differentiate between parsley, oregano, rosemary or thyme among many others. All of them come in a perfectly closed glass container that makes them able to remain intact for a long time.