Losing weight: what is the raw food diet?

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By pro_admin

Today both the vegetarian and vegan diets have numerous followers and more and more people are opting for this lifestyle. The raw food diet goes much further since in it, only the intake of totally raw foods is allowed without any preservatives and without being able to be cooked. Take note of what are the characteristics and the benefits it brings to health.

The raw food diet and its benefits

When talking about a raw food diet, reference is made to a type of food in which the basis is raw foods without any preservatives and totally natural. This would be the case of nuts, fruits or vegetables and vegetables such as cabbage, lettuce, carrots or soy.

The best thing about this type of diet is that food retains all its properties and provides a large number of nutrients to the body such as vitamins, proteins or mineral. However, nutrition experts recommend striking a balance between the raw food diet and a diet in which cooked foods are present.

Proponents of this type of diet highlight the many benefits and advantages of this type of food on the body. This type of food does not cause any toxins and keeps the intestines totally clean. This fact also has a very positive impact on the body since both the skin and the hair do not suffer any type of damage and remain in perfect condition.

It is important that before starting this type of extreme diet, you go to a nutrition specialist so that he can advise you of the risks that starting this type of diet made from raw foods could have for the organismnum.

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