Although Mexican food has a reputation for being unhealthy and harmful to health, there are a number of Mexican dishes that you can prepare without problems since they are totally healthy and nutritious. If you like Mexican food, take good note of the following dishes that will help you enjoy all its flavor while eating in a totally healthy way.
3 Mexican dishes that are healthy
– Mexican eggs. It is a very popular dish in Mexico that is usually taken for breakfast. It is nothing more than a scrambled eggs together with chopped pear tomato, onion and chopped chili. It is a very low-calorie dish and really nutritious thanks to eggs and tomato. Just poach the vegetables and add a couple of eggs to make the scrambled itself.
– Tuna chapata. It is a very simple recipe to prepare and is perfect for summer days. You should take a chapata bread with seeds and fill it with canned tuna along with green chili, low-fat mayonnaise, pear tomato, onion and avocado. This is a very nutritious and really delicious snack. If you wish, you can replace the tuna with turkey or low-fat ham.
– Huevos rancheros. It is another recipe well known throughout Mexico and you can take it both at breakfast and at lunch. To make them you must put a corn pancake on a plate and put two eggs on it along with a tablespoon of tomato sauce, chopped onion, chopped chili, oil and grated Parmesan cheese. Put the dish in the oven for about 5 minutes and then enjoy this healthy and nutritious Mexican recipe.