It is well known that the foods we eat daily influence our physical and mental conditions. Carrying out a good diet can be the basis of an optimal state of health, hence the main objective of nutritional therapies.
In nutritional therapy, balance is key. Eating a varied diet, with a predominance of fibers and starches, and without abusing sugars and fats, can help us cure or prevent certain diseases. In this sense, a food routine can be therapeutic by altering a specific number of nutrients in the diet so that it is possible to achieve a treatment that, by itself, can be healthy, or complementary to a medical procedure.
A diet to prevent disease
The benefits of nutritional therapies can help us prevent some of the diseases that have increased the most in recent decades, such as obesity and diabetes. They also contribute to improving certain eating disorders such as kidney and gastroenterological problems, or those caused by the lack of certain vitamins and minerals.
By trying to follow the instructions of a nutrition expert we can even support medical treatments of cardiovascular diseases, hyperactivity, allergies, lactose intolerance and metabolism disorders. And if you like sports or are pregnant, you will find even more advantages in this diet because it can be adapted to your particular characteristics.
If you are interested in achieving purification of your body through natural detoxification, this is your diet. On the other hand, it also offers a series of guidelines and aids to promote the absorption of nutrients, improve digestion, hinder the intake of substances harmful to the health of our digestive system. It is possible that sometimes our therapist recommends vitamin or chemical supplementation in order to perfect the eating routine that, in each case, we are carrying out.
You have to help the digestive system with foods that facilitate the absorption of nutrients. In this task, a good proportion of food groups is essential, incorporating nutrients such as vitamin C or vitamin E, always under strict professional control, to correct possible imbalances.
Consultation with experts is key
In the case of nutritional therapies, it is common for nutrition experts (or nutritionists) to work together with health professionals and doctors in medical procedures aimed at weight loss, postoperative and rehabilitation programs, proposing specific and individualized diets for each of the cases that may arise. This method assesses the contribution that an adequate diet can add, in all its attributes, to each specific health context.
While it is true that nutritional therapies may be appropriate when adapting to medical treatments that try to alleviate or cure a health problem, it should be a priority to follow a balanced diet on an ongoing basis. In this way, we will not only have a good state of health, but we will also be able to prevent a large number of diseases.