Operation bikini: iron-rich foods

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By pro_admin

Lack of iron is a very common nutritional deficiency among the entire population, especially among children and pregnant women. The consequences of such a deficiency is anemia and a weak immune system prone to diseases and infections of all kinds. To avoid this, it is important that you follow a diet rich in a series of iron-rich foods and in this way your body receives all the benefits of such an important mineral.

The Best Foods to Get Iron

Liver. The liver and other types of viscera are foods with a lot of iron. If you have a deficiency of this mineral in your body the intake of this type of food will help you with it. You should not overeat because the liver is high in cholesterol. If you do not like the liver too much, you can consume other types of foods of animal origin and rich in iron such as red meat or egg yolks.

Chickpeas. This type of legume is perfect for raising your iron levels in the body and also provides many proteins that your body appreciates. You can take them in different ways such as stews or salads and benefit from all their properties.

Pumpkin seeds. Nuts are really healthy for your body because of the numerous nutrients it provides, in particular pumpkin seeds have a high iron content so you can take a handful of them mid-morning or in the afternoon.

Lentils. Lentils are another perfect food to raise your iron levels in your body. They are also rich in fiber so their intake helps you satisfy hunger, reduce cholesterol and maintain blood sugar levels.

Spinach. Spinach is one of the foods with more iron and to make the most of this mineral it is best to take them boiled. In addition, this green leafy vegetable is rich in protein, fiber, calcium and vitamins A and E.

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