The Pronokal diet, like other similar ones such as K7 or Naturhouse, is based on the use of preparations together with controlled foods so that its users lose weight. It is one of the most controversial diets that can be found, although it promises results as few get, reaching 20 kilos in four months of diet.
To achieve this, Pronokal establishes a system that balances hyperproteic diets such as Dukan and hypocaloric diets. Its system ensures the complete intake of all the nutrients that the body needs, based mainly on the products of the diet that are acquired in its establishments in dehydrated form, to add liquid and consume them several times a day as indicated.
The phases and controversy of the Pronokal diet
Like many other diets, Pronokal bases its effectiveness on ketosis, a process that begins when it stops supplying the body with energy from sugars and carbohydrates, forcing it to get rid of the body’s reserves. For this it will be nourished by fat reserves, and that is why the diet should not be extended in excess as it can end up damaging the liver.
The Pronokal diet has three distinct phases: Active, Food Re-education and Maintenance. The first phase is the main one, because in which the greatest weight reduction is achieved. Its duration will depend on the characteristics of each person, but the operation is the same in any case. You have to consume Pronokal shakes every three hours and can only be combined with vegetables, of which you can take an unlimited amount of some while others, such as tomatoes or artichokes, are restricted to 100 grams daily. In addition, you have to compensate for the shortage of nutrients with pills of supplements such as al or potassium.
In the second phase, other foods, such as meat or fish, are gradually introduced, and then others such as dairy products or bread. During this phase, 20% of the remaining weight is lost until the desired amount is reached. once we are at the ideal weight, the diet can be maintained indefinitely, combining the products of the Pronokal diet with a balanced diet that avoids gaining lost kilos.