Raw veganism: what it consists of and allowed foods

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By pro_admin

Raw veganism supposes a union between the strictest vegetarians and the raw food, that is, those who do not admit in their diet any cooked food. It is not a diet, but a lifestyle based on strong ethical and health convictions.

Raw veganism is gaining strength in a world in which the trend is an approach to the natural to reach the long-awaited physical and spiritual balance.

What is raw veganism?

Raw feeding consists of eating natural foods without artificial additives and that are not exposed to a temperature higher than that produced by the sun. It is linked to the so-called “live food”.

In reality, it consists of recovering from nature what we need but without harming it or causing damage. Although not all raw foodists are vegetarians, so some include raw meat and fish in their diet, raw vegans in particular, come from the strictest vegetarianism environment.

Those who follow this way of life affirm that their peculiar diet provides them with all the necessary nutrients and after a while they notice a considerable improvement in their health. Some celebrities, always in search of the latest trends, whether fashion, food or lifestyle, have already signed up for this raw vegan trend. Natalie Portman, Uma Thurman and Demi Moore are some of those who have already tried this way of eating that is based on consuming raw foods.

What raw vegans eat

Excluding any product of animal origin, neither meat, nor fish, nor eggs, nor dairy products… Food is reduced to everything that comes from the plant world: green leafy vegetables, vegetables, fruits, vegetables, sprouts, seeds and nuts. Potatoes and eggplants are eliminated from this diet due to their toxicity in their raw state.

With this list of allowed foods, nutritionists warn of the nutritional deficiencies that this type of food entails, and lovers of good cuisine are terrified by the scarce variety of dishes that can be prepared. However, raw vegans have an answer for them. They affirm that in the vegetable world are all the vitamins, minerals, amino acids and trace elements that our body needs, and that the benefits of following this diet are visible in health as well as in mood. Regarding the variety and creativity of the menus, they refer to the new restaurants that are beginning to proliferate in large cities and attract a growing number of customers.

Asparagus, broccoli, celery, onion, dandelion, aloe vera, legume sprouts or sesame seeds. They are some of the most used products in raw vegan food that does not allow the cooking of food but yes orafter ways of processing them such as beating or liquefying them.

We understand that it does not have to be easy to go from coffee with milk for breakfast to a smoothie of spinach, carrot and banana, but if what you want is a reunion with nature in its purest state, it seems that your path is that of raw veganism. In any case, it should be remembered that the World Health Organization does not consider raw veganism as a healthy food option, so we recommend caution if you are going to lean towards this way of life.

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