Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticarcinogenic, resveratrol is presented to us as one of the most attractive ingredients of nuts and grapes that also has the virtue of passing and concentrating in musts and wines after fermentation.
The discovery of its almost miraculous properties has aroused great interest in the scientific community that has not yet found all the answers but that already dares to predict resveratrol a promising future to prevent or treat metabolic disorders such as age-related type II diabetes, the progression of Alzheimer’s and colorectal cancer.
Resveratrol in walnuts, grapes and wines
Perhaps the virtue comes from its very origin which is to protect the plant where it hosts from parasites, but paradoxically fumigation in plantations of nuts and grapes reduces the levels of resveratrol in the fruits and therefore in the wine resulting from the fermentation and maceration of the seeds.
According to studies certified by the World Health Organization (WHO), resveratrol reduces cardiovascular risk by 40 percent, is more effective than vitamin E., and acts against many forms of free radicals to prevent the oxidation of lipoproteins. It also inhibits the aggregation of blood platelets blocking the action of thrombin, favors the production of nitric oxide that relaxes and dilates the arteries, reduces triglyceride and cholesterol levels in the blood as well as one of the triggers of hypertension.
An article published by the journal Science also ensures that resveratrol blocks the proliferation of cancer cells during their development.
Wonders aside, the component of strange name and multiple qualities is found in varying amounts in red wine, from 0.2 to 5.8 milligrams per bottle, insufficient, according to the latest studies, to justify its intake for health reasons, a human being would require between 750 and one thousand 500 bottles of red wine daily to reach the levels of resveratrol you need to treat, for example, obesity.
It is preferable then to give up the pleasure of the palate, and accept the pill that is already on the market under the name of SRT501. It contains 20 milligrams of natural resveratrol and guarantees us to be hangover-free.