The arrival of heat and summer is a substantial modification in our eating habits. For weather reasons, we no longer want to eat the same foods as in winter, either because of its caloric composition or because of the method used to cook them. High temperatures are usually accompanied by certain temptations, especially in the form of sweets and ice cream, but this is not an obstacle to, from very general guidelines, be able to keep our body healthy and fit.
The first objective to achieve in the summer season is to hydrate our body to a greater extent. Therefore, the combination of foods will vary based on this fundamental element and, logically, we will look for those products that have a high content of water and fiber, so that we can keep our body nourished and hydrated.
Cold broths, gazpacho and fruit: great remedies against heat
The Mediterranean diet is one of the most illustrative examples of how dietary patterns can be modified according to the season of the year and not lose an iota of nutritional quality. One of the dishes par excellence of the Mediterranean diet is gazpacho, made with vegetables such as tomato, cucumber and pepper, and seasoned with olive oil, is one of the key dishes of the summer to satisfy many of our nutritional needs.
And along with vegetables, the great variety of fruits that we find in the summer season can be a great alternative to our usual diet either in the form of dessert, mid-morning meal, snack or soft drink. In our trusted supermarkets we can find, during these months, fruits such as watermelon, strawberry, melon, plums, peaches, kiwi or cherries. All of them are great options to combat the heat and hydrate our body while nourishing it.
Other specialties that can be carried out in summer go through the elaboration of soups, creams and cold broths. Although they are not very conducive to those who follow slimming diets, the ajoblanco malagueño and the vichyssoise are two dishes that have great depth during the summer.
Salads are the queens of summer
Easy to prepare and transport, they are very useful when we want to spend the day at the beach or the pool to enjoy the water and the sun. To the usual mixtures of vegetables, we can add traditional dishes such as potato salad or Russian salad. Although you have to be careful given its high caloric value, in addition to the type of sauces we use to season them. If we practice physical exercise during the morning, they can be a great dish when it comes to recovering our muscles from the wear and tear to which we have subjected them.
As you can see, the options are many and varied to face the summer with a healthy and balanced diet so that, in this way, we can contrast and leave behind the gray and rainy winter.