Strong bones: foods that contain calcium

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By pro_admin

Bone health from a nutritional point of view depends on two nutrients: vitamin D and calcium. The lack of some of these two nutrients can cause a weakness in your bones leading to a greater risk of contracting diseases and possible fractures of them. To avoid this, you should follow a diet based on a series of foods rich in calcium and that will help you to an optimal development of the bones.

What foods are rich in calcium

Milk. A glass of milk will provide you with 30% of the calcium your body needs daily. Therefore, milk can not be missing in your usual diet as it gives you a large amount of calcium that is also fortified with vitamin D which will help you strengthen all your bones.

Green leafy vegetables. These types of vegetables such as kale, Swiss chard or spinach are the best non-dairy sources of calcium. A plate of green leafy vegetables a day provides a large amount of calcium to your body that will make your bones grow strong and healthy.

Salmon. Fatty fish such as salmon are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and calcium. A serving of salmon a week brings numerous benefits to your body, including strengthening the health of your bones.

-Cheese. Logically, cheese made mostly with milk is an excellent source of calcium. It is advisable to take skim cheese as it does not provide many calories to the body and is much healthier.

Yogurt. Although it seems incredible, yogurt contains much more calcium than the milk itself from which it is made. A yogurt a day will provide you with 42% of the calcium that your body needs daily.

Broccoli. This vegetable can not miss in your daily diet due to the numerous nutrients it provides to health, it is a rich source of vitamin D and calcium so your bones will grow strong and healthy.

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