Take care of your kidneys: diet to avoid and cure kidney diseases

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By pro_admin

Although the kidneys play a fundamental role, they can suffer from a multitude of ailments, whether infectious, immunological, kidney stones or even cancer. The main task of these organs is to eliminate the toxins contained in the blood, in addition to expelling through the urine all those substances that can not be used by the body.

In case of suffering any pathology of this type, it is advisable to establish a great control over the food we eat, restricting all those that, due to their composition, may be harmful to the kidneys.

Diet for the kidneys 

Proteins are the nutrients that make the kidneys work the most due to their complex elimination. Specifically those that come from meat, fish and eggs. Moderate consumption is elementary since, on the one hand, they are essential for the body but taken in excess can damage the excretory organs.

It is recommended, in turn, to reduce the intake of foods rich in oxalates, such as chocolate, strawberries, spinach, chard, tomatoes or beans as they can cause the creation of crystals. Problem that can also be generated, on the other hand, if we abuse the consumption of dairy products, especially whole ones. Salt becomes a third group of nutrients to avoid, since in excessive quantities it can generate increases in blood pressure that end up damaging the kidneys.

Those who suffer from cholesterol problems, may be more likely to suffer from a kidney problem, so, in case of any kidney failure, you should reduce the amount of fat that you usually introduce in your diets. Likewise, if you are diabetic, the limited intake of sugars will favor a slow evolution of any renal complication.

Water becomes a fundamental element

Water is the medium through which all minerals and toxins are dissolved. In case of renal pathology, the first rule is to drink plenty of water unless, for some ailment, you tend to urinate little. The recommended consumption ranges between two and three liters per day. In this way we will avoid kidney diseases, stone formation and even urinary infections.

A diet rich in natural products such as fruits and vegetables, especially those that have a diuretic function are the food base for anyone who is interested in improving the health of their kidneys. Foods such as grapes, watermelon, peach, artichoke, apple, lemon, orange, lettuce, cucumber or potatoes complemented with whole nutrients such as rice help us prevent complications related to these delicate organs.

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