Tell me what you eat and I’ll tell you what you’re like

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By pro_admin

We know the importance of a healthy diet in our health. Day by day we discover certain foods that influence mood, that help us sleep well, that protect us from colds in winter, that improve the appearance of our skin … And finally, that popular saying “we are what we eat” is right, because food not only influences our state of health and our emotions, it also says a lot about our personality and our way of being.

Who’s Who Based on What You Eat

All these studies that relate food with personality must be taken with caution since it is not a matter of judging people according to what they eat and how they eat it, but it is true that there is a widespread belief that, for example, vegetarians are peaceful and quiet people, compared to meat consumers, which seem to give off a certain degree of aggressiveness.

In the same way, people who tend to eat sweets, those people called sweet tooth, have a kinder and, sometimes, helpful character, so they tend to help others in a disinterested way. Although it is also appreciated among the sweet tooth a greater shyness than in the rest of the people who do not eat so many sweets.

Japanese food is also related, based mainly on fish and cooked light foods, but with little fruit and little dairy, with a more closed and less sociable personality, although little combative. On the contrary, tropical food based on fruits and fresh products makes people more friendly, relaxed and open.

As we say, we must take these proposals carefully because they can be based on preconceived ideas and because the world of food is influenced by many factors. In any case, it is advisable to avoid radical eating behaviours and bet on a balanced diet that contains the widest possible variety of foods.

The way you eat also says a lot about you

Apart from the preference for certain foods, which can also be a cultural issue, the way we eat can give many clues about our way of being. Thus, there are people who eat very quickly, while others do it quietly. There are people who make mealtime a real ritual to enjoy as a family and there are others who consider it a mere procedure to be healthy.

There are also people who use food to cope with boredom, anxiety or stress, so they eat unconsciously and often obsessively. Food is one of the most used resources to avoid facing certain emotional problems, although eating behaviour varies according to people. Many people with depression gain weight because they need to eat constantly, however, many others lose their appetite in that situation.

It is, in any case, a great variety of behaviours in front of food, which can help us to know the other person better. Without forgetting all those eating disorders that hide serious self-esteem problems and that need to be treated medically.

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