The 10 essential foods for your winter diet

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By pro_admin

Winter is a perfect and ideal season to maintain the figure and not put any extra kilo. In case you want to continue with your ideal weight and stay as you are, do not lose detail and take good note of the 10 totally essential meals that can not be missing in your winter diet.

10 foods that can not be missing in your winter diet

Broccoli. It is a very low caloric food and rich in antioxidants and vitamins so it is perfect for maintaining weight and providing all kinds of nutrients to the body.

2.Tomato. It is a really important source of fiber so it helps to satisfy the appetite and improve the intestinal tract. In addition, it is rich in antioxidants and vitamins.

Nuts. They are rich in healthy omega 3 fats and contain a lot of fiber. However, they are quite caloric so you must control yourself at the time of consumption.

Infusions. During the winter months it is advisable to consume different types of infusions that help purify the body in addition to eliminating toxins. You can choose to drink green tea, horsetail tea or the famous red tea.

Fruits. During the winter there are seasonal fruits such as citrus fruits that are rich in antioxidants in addition to providing a large number of vitamins to the body. The intake of fruits will help strengthen the immune system and maintain the figure.

Eggs. They are rich in quality proteins and provide a good amount of nutrients to the body so they should not be missing from your winter diet.

Salmon. It is one of the most nutritious foods there is thanks to being an excellent source of healthy omega 3 fats. In addition to being perfect for your winter diet, it helps improve heart health.

Soups and creams. In addition to helping you quickly warm up, soups and creams are highly nutritious and low in calories so they are perfect for weight loss.

Spinach. It is a vegetable quite rich in minerals such as iron or magnesium. They are perfect to take in winter and provide a good amount of nutrients to the body.

10 Milk. It is a food that in addition to providing a good amount of calcium to the body, is rich in vitamin D. If you are lactose intolerant you can choose to take other types of vegetable milks and just as nutritious as soy or oatmeal.

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