The benefits of controversial horse meat

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By pro_admin

During the month of January, the alarm was raised throughout Europe when different health authorities and various consumer organizations detected the presence of horse meat in hamburgers marketed as beef. Far from delving into controversies that have more to do with the advertising and commercial side than with the sanitary itself, and given how prone we are to alarms when it comes to issues related to health and food, we have decided to carry out an analysis of the different properties that horse meat presents as a consumer product.

Properties of horse meat

As reluctant as we may be to voluntarily consume horse meat, it is a food that has many qualities. Due to its properties, it is usually recommended especially to patients suffering from nutritional ailments such as anemia or diabetes. It is characterized by its high composition of fiber, vitamins, proteins and minerals such as zinc, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, sodium or iodine.

Equine meat is very rich in the so-called fat-soluble vitamins, essentially those belonging to group B, and has a higher protein content than beef. In turn, it stands out for its low fat content around 2 grams of fat per 100 grams of product, as well as for its high iron composition.

It should be emphasized the important presence of zinc in this meat product, since this mineral facilitates the storage and assimilation, by our body, of insulin. It also helps reduce the feeling of fatigue and intervenes in the transit of vitamin A to the retina.

Ways to eat horse meat

It is tradition, especially in certain regions of northern Spain, to make this meat variety in the form of sausage, which is commonly called horse jerky. In this way, it is usually presented by itself as a starter, or cooked with a scrambled garlic, next to poached eggs or even in salads.

In its fresh variant, horse meat can be exposed in the same way as it is done with other products such as beef, turkey or chicken. In this way, it is common to find hamburgers, steak or horse meatballs.

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