The benefits of mango: diet and health

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By pro_admin

The mango is considered one of the best fruits that exist, not only for its size, its excellent flavour and the possibility of combining it in numerous desserts and exotic juices, but also for the enormous amount of beneficial properties it provides to our body. This food is usually used as a useful complement to many weight loss diets, in addition to being recommended to alleviate or prevent a good number of ailments.

The mango, as with papaya, is an excellent tropical fruit rich in natural substances that regulate and reduce the amount of glucoca and fat present in the blood, which is usually valuable applied in any weight loss routine.

Mango and slimming diets

Mango is a fruit that has a very small amount of calories – only 60 per 100 grams of product. In addition, it provides the body with a good number of minerals and vitamins such as zinc, manganese, magnesium, copper and vitamins A, C and E, which provide greater cellular performance and, by extension, help burn fats more effectively and quickly.

This food is also a powerful antioxidant, thanks to the presence of lutein in its composition. Also, its choline content helps metabolize and eliminate fats present in food.

The potassium present in the mango provides a diuretic benefit, which materializes in a great support in the fight against fluid retention. It provides, on the other hand, both soluble and insoluble fiber which gives it the attractive possibility not only to purify our body, but also to reduce satiety.

Other Benefits of Mango Consumption

The phenols present in the mango are a great help in the prevention of cancers as fateful as breast, colon, prostate and even leukemia. The fiber mentioned above reduces, in turn, the risk of getting cancers of the intestinal tract.

Vitamin C together with the fiber provided by this food are ideal for reducing cholesterol levels in the blood. Iron is essential for both pregnant women and those who may suffer an episode of anemia, as well as being absolutely recommended in postmenopausal stages. Mango leaves, prepared as an infusion, help normalize insulin levels in the blood, making it a great home remedy against diabetes.

In addition to all these properties, mango is also a food that has beneficial effects on memory, skin, sight, the digestive process and even in our sexual relations thanks to vitamin E, responsible for regulating hormones.

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