Many people see nuts as one of the worst enemies of diets because of their high calorie content. Indeed, its caloric value is quite high, about 100 grams contain 600 Kcal, however being foods rich in fiber and vegetable proteins have a satiating effect that prevents us from ingesting large amounts of nuts. In addition, these are foods with beneficial nutritional properties for our body, which provide us with the vitamins and minerals we need. Discover all the benefits of nuts in your menu.
Discover the benefits of nuts
The high content of nutrients, its contribution of fiber and its content in vegetable proteins makes nuts the perfect ally of health, especially cardiovascular health as they protect blood vessels and help reduce blood pressure. Its content in omega 3 and antioxidants gives them a cardioprotective, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging character.
In addition, nuts are a source of arginine, essential in the healing process, in blood circulation and a perfect stimulant of immune functions.
Almonds have lots of vegetable protein, vitamin C and fiber, while pistachios are a source of potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron. In walnuts we find an ally in the functions of the brain and memory for its content in phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and copper. And if you want to combat fatigue and tiredness, hazelnuts are ideal for their contribution of carbohydrates.
To take advantage of all the nutritional benefits of nuts, the ideal is to consume a varied combination every day without exceeding the amount so as not to gain weight. The endocrine doctor Carmen Candela recommends consuming nuts in their right measure, since as we have explained they are quite caloric. For example, eating 2 or 3 nuts a day can be very good, but emphasize that common sense should prevail.
How to incorporate nuts into the diet
In order not to exceed the consumption of nuts and not use them to snack between meals or sitting in front of the TV, it is best to add them to our usual dishes. You can add them to breakfast cereals to benefit throughout the day from their nutrients and burn part of their energy content. But nuts are ideal to accompany many ofour daily cooking recipes. Rice, pasta and, above all, salads combine very well with nuts. And for dessert, they can be incorporated into yogurt or ice cream.
Nuts can also be used to prepare different sauces, such as sala al pesto, and walnut sauce can accompany many of your dishes. Bread is another food that you can make yourself based on nuts and pastries are the perfect field to add a good handful to your biscuits, cookies and cakes.
Chestnut puree is a delicatessen that we can make at home and, although less known, hazelnut soup is a delight. As you can see, if you include imagination to your kitchen, there are countless combinations to add nuts to your usual diet and benefit from all its nutritional properties.
In the following video, Carmen Candela, who is an endocrine doctor, talks about the consumption of nuts and other issues related to healthy eating.