The beneficial properties of wine have been known for thousands of years, but today they are supported by the multitude of scientific studies that relate this drink with a better state of health. But it is that wine, not only helps us to be healthier, it also gives us many benefits at the mood level, improves the state of our skin and is the perfect ally of our sex life. That said, we do not want to encourage the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, but we are talking about the benefits of wine always consumed in moderate quantities.
Wine, a source of health and well-being
The properties of wine are directed towards both our physical and mental health. Its content in vitamins A, B and C and minerals such as magnesium, potassium, fluoride and calcium make this drink an ally in the recovery of any patient after a period of convalescence. In addition, wine also contains iron, so its consumption is recommended in cases of anemia. Also, wine has a digestive, antiallergic, anti-infectious and purifying function, so it can help balance cholesterol levels.
Moderate consumption of wine considerably reduces the risk of stroke, reduces periodontitis, prevents the progression of vision problems, reduces pain caused by joint diseases, prevents cardiovascular problems and stimulates the immune system. There are also studies that relate the habitual consumption of wine with the lower risk of suffering from certain types of cancer.
Basically, the properties of wine act on well-being in general, since its benefits have also been observed at the mood level, reducing the risk of depression and helping to reduce stress and anxiety.
Wine, a great ally against aging
But wine is also considered one of the best allies in the fight against aging. It seems that consuming wine on a regular basis slows the deterioration of cognitive abilities in old age, as well as there are studies that relate wine with a delay in the consequences of diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s.
The world of beauty has not resisted the influence of wine and body treatments based on this drink and wine therapy are becoming more frequent, obtaining spectacular results on the skin. Enocosmetics is increasingly fashionable, since wine is discovered as a powerful antioxidant and a good cell regenerator, which makes it not only the elixir of youth, but also that of happiness.
Wine: art, leisure and culture
Given the benefits that wine brings us in our general well-being, it is not surprising that more and more people are interested in wine culture and exclusive establishments of this drink proliferate where anyone can become a perfect winemaker with a wide range of tastings, seminars and courses. Visits to wineries are becoming more and more fashionable to enjoy alone, as a couple or with friends, a good wine with history and quality, as is the case of Bodegas Valdemar.