The Best Diet for Stomach Pain

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By pro_admin

Stomach problems are very common in today’s society and it is rare that person who does not suffer from them every so often. As for treatment and food, most experts recommend following a soft diet to promote digestion and help combat gastrointestinal problems that the person may suffer.

What to eat when you have stomach problems

The famous soft diet is especially indicated for those who suffer symptoms such as diarrhea, gastrointestinal or nausea problems. With this allimnentación the person will improve with the passage of days until fully recovering. The bland diet is based on a number of foods that are easy to digest and do not contain any oil. In addition to this, it is a diet with a low amount of fiber to make digestion less complicated.

If you have a bad stomach you can eat products such as rice, bananas, apples and toast. You can also take chicken broth, white yogurt and infusions. It is very important to accompany this type of diet with the intake of a large amount of fluids to avoid dehydration of the body. You should avoid eating foods high in fiber, caloric and with excess fat.

In the event that you suffer from diarrhea it is important to avoid foods rich in fats, sweets, fried foods or alcohol. You should not forget to drink water every hour to stay perfectly hydrated. The water should be at room temperature and food intake should be slow and careful. If you follow a soft diet you will not have problems to recover in a couple of days and be able to eat again in a normal way.

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