The Best Foods for Hyperthyroidism

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By pro_admin

Hyperthyroidism is a disease by which the overactive thyroid generates a large amount of hormones throughout the body stimulating metabolism excessively and causing excessive weight loss in the person who suffers from it. A good and rich diet is very important to treat hyperthyroidism because thanks to a series of foods you can reduce the annoying symptoms that hyperthyroidism produces throughout your body.

What You Should Eat to Treat Hyperthyroidism

Foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Foods such as salmon, soy, turkey or leafy greens are rich in healthy fats such as omega 3 that help stabilize the thyroid. If you combine a diet rich in these acids with calcium and vitamin C, you will reduce the symptoms of hyperthyroidism. 

Foods rich in calcium. Calcium is very important as it will help you treat the weakness that hyperthyroidism produces in your bones. That is why you can not miss in your diet, foods such as milk and other dairy products, fish such as sardines and salmon and egg.

Foods rich in vitamin D. As I mentioned before, vitamin D is very important to treat the issue of hyperthyroidism. It is present in foods such as salmon, olive axceite or eggs.

Cruciferous vegetables. The intake of such vegetables will help you reduce the number of hormones produced by the thyroid. The vegetables that can not miss in your daily diet are cauliflower, cabbage or broccoli.

– Healthy fats. Foods rich in healthy fats such as avocado, fatty cheeses or coconut milk help reduce cholesterol, which is very important to regulate thyroid activity. 

As you have seen, if you follow the medical treatment and combine it with a healthy diet based on a series of foods you can perfectly treat the hyperthyroidism disease you suffer.

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