The Best Foods to Fight a Hangover

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By pro_admin

There is nothing worse in this life than waking up hungover after a night of excesses and partying. To avoid such a hangover there are a number of home remedies that can help you feel much better. A specific type of diet will also help you fully recover and feel like new again.

What to Eat When You Have a Hangover

As for liquids, the best to combat the effects of hangovers are milk and orange juice. The calcium in milk is ideal for treating gastritis that usually causes excessive alcohol intake. As for orange juice, it is a drink that is rich in vitamin C and fructose, which helps the liver to metabolize alcohol intake in a better way.

If you wake up hungover there is nothing better than preparing a breakfast based on freshly squeezed orange juice and a couple of scrambled eggs. Eggs are rich in cysteine, a substance that helps detoxify the entire body and digest alcohol. As with milk, plain yogurt is ideal for treating potential stomach problems caused by alcohol intake.

The banana is another excellent food to reduce the hangover the next morning. Vitamin B6 and potassium are perfect for lessening the unpleasant symptoms of hangover. If you have nausea and headaches you have nothing more than to take some infused ginger to make such symptoms disappear and you feel like new again.

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