Seeds are one of the most nutritious foods there is because they provide a large amount of fiber, minerals, vitamins and healthy fats to the body. That is why they are perfect to incorporate them into a diet since in addition to helping you lose weight, they are perfect to improve the entire digestive process. Take good note of the best 4 seeds to include in a healthy and balanced diet.
The best seeds to take in a diet
–Sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds are rich in omega-6 fatty acids, carbohydrates and minerals such as magnesium, iron or potassium. They are perfect for losing weight since apart from being depurative, they help to satisfy the appetite. You can take them in salads or toast and take advantage of all their nutrients.
–Chia seeds. This type of seeds has become very fashionable lately because they are rich in fiber, omega 3 fatty acids and high-quality proteins. Being rich in antioxidants help prevent premature aging and improve the entire digestive tract. You can take them in salads or with yogurt.
–Quinoa seeds. Being an excellent source of fiber, it helps the body to eliminate toxins and purify it completely. It is a food with very little fat so it is perfect to consume it in case you want to lose weight. Quinoa is considered a superfood due to the large amount of protein, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates it contains.
–Flaxseeds. Flaxseeds are characterized by being an excellent source of Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. In addition, the consumption of these seeds will help you feel satiated much longer and avoid eating more than necessary. You can consume them in salads, juices and even water.