The Mediterranean diet: health and body are compatible

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By pro_admin

One of the great attractions of the southern European countries (Greece, Italy, Spain or Portugal), apart from its great climate, is, without any doubt, food. The Mediterranean diet annually attracts a large amount of tourism due to its great variety and richness of natural products. It is obvious that it is also a dietary incentive for residents in these areas since it is a regime that can well be used to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Mediterranean diet reduces cardiovascular risk

A recent study carried out in Spain, ‘Prevention with Mediterranean Diet’ (Predimed), has concluded that this food routine, complemented with virgin olive oil or nuts such as almonds, walnuts or hazelnuts, is much more effective in preventing any kind of cardiovascular pathology than low-fat diets to use.

Predimed has managed to give a 180-degree turn to nutritional theories that advise a moderate consumption of all types of fats to avoid cardiovascular diseases. The study, which has collected data from more than 7,500 participants in its 10 years of duration, has shown that a Mediterranean diet in which about 50 grams of olive oil are ingested per day about four tablespoons – or 30 grams of nuts, minimizes this type of ailments by 30% compared to other types of low-fat diets.

A second phase of research has already been initiated in which the effects of the Mediterranean diet on obesity will be studied. In addition, the participating scientists will analyze the additional consequences of the intervention of physical exercise and behavioral therapy to, in the first place, achieve weight reduction and, in the long term, minimize the risk of developing cancer.

The Mediterranean diet, a source of health 

It should be remembered that the Mediterranean diet was declared in 2010 ‘Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity’ by Unesco. And it is that there are many and varied benefits that it brings to our body. Despite this, there is a progressive tendency to abandon this type of regime due to the excessive consumption of hypercaloric fast foods and animal fats.

In addition to avoiding obesity and cardiovascular diseases, since it is an important help in reducing triglyceride and cholesterol levels in the blood, the Mediterranean diet is a great ally against diabetes. This is because it is a diet rich in carbohydrates and the well-known olive oil, which help our bodies regulate glucose levels.

The consumption of foods rich in omega 3, present in this diet, provides general well-being to our body since it is a regulator that actively participates in the elimination of waste and toxins. In short, we are facing a type of food that, thanks to this type of news, should transcend the mainstream media as a model of healthy living to export anywhere in the world.

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