The most well-known and recommended edible flowers to eat

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By pro_admin

Normally food usually enters only through the mouth, but if we include edible flowers in our dishes we will also stimulate the rest of our senses. The colors of the flowers will enter through our eyes and their aroma through our nose, making us taste some of the most exquisite flavors of spring.

Let’s take advantage of the season of flowers to give a touch of colour, freshness and aroma to our meals. The flowers can be used in different ways in dishes. With the flowers, in the Middle East, delicious jams are made; in Mexico, as a filling for pancakes or burritos; in Algeria or Tunisia they are used to perfume couscous and certain lamb stews. In addition, flowers are also a good source of bioactive substances such as aromas, chromatic substances and essential oils with antioxidant and regulatory activity.

Not all flowers are edible. It is advisable to consume only well-identified flowers of safe origin. In the last dossier of 5 a day, we have found some of the best known and most suitable flowers to eat:

Edible flowers

Zucchini flower: It is very sweet and has a certain resemblance to the taste of the sunflower seed. It is the most common. It is widely used in Italian and Mexican cuisines.

Rose petals: They are the reference in the kitchen with flowers, have a sweet taste and an unmistakable smell. They are used in jams or salads with fruits.

Lavender: Delicious in creams and salads, they are responsible for perfuming the dishes and giving them a somewhat spicy flavour.

Capuchins: They have a slightly spicy taste and are consumed in salads. They complement the taste of parsley, tarragon or spring onions.

Violets: They combine especially well with endives and as a filling for tortillas. They can also be consumed fresh, dried and candied.

Marigolds: They were highly appreciated in ancient times in India, Greece and some Arab countries. Due to their slight bitter taste, they were used together with their leaves to flavor broths and drinks. Maluve flower tea, jasmine ice cream, wine with flowers, rose petals in salad… What are you waiting for? Fill your day to day with the aroma and taste of flowers!

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