The Pioppi diet, the Italian secret to extending life

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By pro_admin

Pioppi is a small town on the Italian coast that makes headlines in media around the world. Although the reason for its fame could be its beaches or its monuments, the reason must be sought in the long life that its inhabitants have.

In search of this eternal youth that allows neighbors to blow out more than 100 birthday candles, their life habits have been studied. And it seems that the Italian secret to extend life would be their diet. And of course, the Pioppi diet, based on the Mediterranean diet, has become fashionable. We tell you what this healthy plan consists of.

The keys to the Pioppi diet

The Pioppi diet proposes a change of mentality to abandon current eating habits. It’s about eating more vegetables and eliminating the consumption of sugars, refined carbohydrates and saturated fats. In this way, it is possible to live longer years without developing age-related diseases such as dementia or type 2 diabetes.

This plan also calls for fasting once a week. It is recommended to skip breakfast and lunch for a day so that the insulin is balanced and the accumulated energy is burned. In addition, followers of this plan take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar every morning because it helps acid reflux and lowers blood pressure.

What is the Pioppi plan?

Recommended foods to extend life

The Pioppi diet is based on the consumption of the following foods.

+Olive oil is one of the great secrets of the Pioppi diet. This plan advises accompanying the meal each day between 2 and 4 tablespoons of oil a day.

+Eating vegetables is very healthy, especially those that provide more fiber such as artichoke, cauliflower, carrot, broccoli, etc. Some of the guidelines based on this diet recommend taking between 5 and 7 daily servings of fruit and vegetables.

+Fruit is also admitted in this diet, but you have to limit those that have less sugar, even if it is natural. We speak, for example, of apple, peach, raspberries, oranges, etc.

+This diet also recommends the intake of nuts. A small handful a day is beneficial.

+Fish such as salmon and sardines will help you improve your diet.

+Your diet has to include eggs, up to 10 a week, to complete your nutrition.

+According to the Pioppi plan, whole dairy products and… dark chocolate are also recommended!

+Although alcohol consumption is not contemplated, a small glass of wine is recommended with each dinner.

What not to eat according to the Pioppi diet

If you want to follow this diet, it is advisable to take these guidelines into account.

+It is recommended to avoid the consumption of added sugars. There are alternatives to sweeten meals with products such as honey.

+Pasta, rice and bread can be eaten, but occasionally and in rational portions. This point of this plan has caused the disagreement of, for example, the British Nutrition Foundation that warns that the traditional Mediterranean diet does include these foods.

+Sunflower, rapeseed or corn oil should be avoided.

+Red meat intake should be limited to about 500 grams a week.

The perfect complement to the Pioppi diet

The Pioppi diet goes beyond eating patterns. To live more than 100 years it is also recommended to lead an active life. The inhabitants of this Italian village usually live so much because, in addition to eating in a healthy way, they lead an active lifestyle. It is a fishing area in which, the need to look for food in the sea led its neighbors to go out to fish.

Walks and regular physical activity are recommended. Sleeping well and resting during the nights is also necessary to live longer. And, do not forget that being happy is also very good for your health. Believe it or not, these tips are just as important for the Pioppi diet as those related to food.

Remember, in everything related to health and food, it is best to listen to common sense. Any type of diet that seems exaggerated to you, will not be good for your well-being. Nutritionists recommend following a varied and healthy diet, which fits the characteristics of our lifestyle. Taking into account that miracle diets do not exist, and those sold as such are tremendously harmful to health, it is advisable to go to a food specialist before starting a diet.

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