The power of antioxidants to keep you young

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By pro_admin

How many times have you heard that for the prevention of diseases and delay aging it is important to consume antioxidants? But what are the foods that contain antioxidants? And what is the relationship between these and free radicals? We asked Dr. Luca Piretta, nutritionist for the Red Apple, your personalized diet.

The danger of free radicals to our health

Free radicals are molecules normally present in our system that, when they are excessive, instead of protecting our body begin to damage it. If there is a ratio between free radicals and antioxidants, the body is in perfect health. On the other hand, when free radicals accumulate in our body and cannot be counteracted by antioxidant defense mechanisms, a condition is created that causes skin aging and other diseases.

diet low in antioxidants and an inappropriate lifestyle (such as smoking and stress) cause an increase in free radicals and an increased demand for antioxidant substances capable of neutralizing them. Antioxidants, in addition to playing a fundamental role in the prevention of tumors, also help our beauty by keeping the skin young and elastic.

In which foods we find antioxidants

What do you need to eat to ensure a daily ration of antioxidants? Fruits and vegetables every day! Although depending on the fruits and vegetables you choose, change the type of antioxidants you consume. That is why it is very important to also vary the color of the portions. We have prepared for you a list of foods rich in antioxidants. So you don’t miss anything!


It is found in cauliflower, onion, fennel and pear. Quercetin strengthens bone tissue and helps in cancer prevention.

+Lycopene in red vegetables

It is present in tomatoes and red peppers. Lycopene prevents breast and ovarian cancer in women and prostate cancer in men.

+Chlorophyll and carotenoids in green vegetables

It is found in lettuce, zucchini, asparagus, artichokes, green cabbage, cucumber, chicory, spinach or kiwi. They prevent tumors and pathologies of the heart.

+Beta-carotene in yellow and orange vegetables

You can find it in carrots, lemons, yellow peppers, pumpkin, oranges and pineapple. It promotes growth, regeneration and maintenance of tissue health, increases immune defenses and protects eyesight.

+Antiocyanins, in blue and violet vegetables

It is found in eggplants, blueberries, beets, cabbage and red cabbage. They help counteract excess cholesterol and keep blood circulation fluid, preventing cardiovascular accident.

Attention to cooking!

Fruits and vegetables are the main suppliers of antioxidants – but what happens when you cook these foods? “Some of these antioxidants are destroyed by cooking, others do not undergo major modifications and, even, some like lycopene increases their bioavailability with high temperatures.” For this reason and to ensure the maintenance of its properties, it is best to opt for cooking at low temperatures and for short periods.

+Green vegetables, better raw or steamed.

+Red and orange vegetables, steamed, sautéed or boiled in little water.

+White vegetables, raw or at low temperature.

+Vegetables purple, sautéed, steamed or raw.

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