The properties of sushi in a balanced diet

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By pro_admin

More and more nutrition experts are advising to follow a diet that is healthy and nutritious in order to avoid future health problems and have a weight consistent with the physical. One of the foods that have become more fashionable in recent years is sushi since being raw fish, the body receives a series of nutrients that are ideal when it comes to avoiding excess weight and fat.

The benefits of sushi in the diet

Experts agree that sushi is actually beneficial for good heart health and a much healthier option than eating red meat. Being high in fatty acids helps the body’s cardiovascular system to be in perfect condition. In addition, it is a perfect food to take during the diet due to its low caloric intake and high content of high quality proteins.

Sushi or raw fish is also an excellent source of carbohydrates especially present in rice and vegetables that surround fish. As for the seaweed surrounding sushi, it is rich in numerous vitamins and minerals. As if this were not enough, the fish used is low in saturated fat which makes it an ideal food for weight loss.

However, unfortunately sushi is not suitable for everyone since it is a food that is not advisable for those suffering from diabetes. In the event that you usually have too high blood pressure it is important to limit both the intake of sushi and soy sauce. Despite this, nutritionists consider that the benefits are much more present than the risks, so it is a really advisable food to include in the day-to-day diet.

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