The strange meaning of leaving food on the plate

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By pro_admin

When we sit at the table there are certain rules within a universal protocol that we must take into account. For example, do not start eating until everyone is seated, chew with your mouth closed or place cutlery on top of the plate as a sign that you are finished. But what happens when food is left on the plate? Are we facing a sign of rudeness or good education? Does leaving food on the plate have any hidden meaning? Does it tell us anything about that person?

Leaving food on the plate, good or bad manners?

It all depends on the country in which you are eating, although we already anticipate that there is no rule that says it is bad or good education. For example, if you are in China and you leave food on your plate, you are sending the message that you want to repeat and get more thrown out.

In some countries, however, in the past when you went to a restaurant or someone’s house, it was recommended to leave some food on the plate to give the feeling of not being a hungry person. But those are things of the past, at present and as a general rule, it is advisable to eat everything that serves one because it is considered a sign that everything is delicious and that you liked it; Otherwise, it can provoke a feeling of frustration and discomfort in the host who has spent so many hours in the kitchen preparing a delicious delicacy.

There are some studies that relate problems of obesity and overweight due to the fact of not leaving food on the plate. In times when economic hardship ravaged the world, many children were forced to eat everything so as not to throw away the few foods available and, from there, bad habits and eating behaviors have been derived.

The reasons why people leave food on the plate

1If you have the “bad habit” of always leaving something on the plate, it is best that next time, to avoid misunderstandings with anyone, ask that they do not throw so much food on your plate or, if you are the one who serves yourself, put less. Thus, in addition, you will get rid of a certain feeling of guilt for throwing food out of your head.

2There are people who think that if they leave a totally clean plate, others will think that it is a person with anxiety.

3There are also those who are afraid of gaining weight. With this gesture, they have the feeling that they do not consume so many calories. If you dread taking a few extra kilos and want to control your weight, take other measures such as drinking two liters of water, eating slowly and chewing food, including fruits and vegetables in your menu and doing some physical activity.

4It may happen that you leave food on the plate because you are allergic or intolerant to any of the ingredients it contains. In these cases, as there is nothing to hide, it is best to communicate it to the person in charge or the waiter, if you are in a public place, so that he can change it or prepare something else for you.

As you can see, it is not a matter of good or bad education to leave food on the plate, rather to put a little common sense when it comes time for lunch or dinner so as not to waste silly food and that others can take advantage of it.

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