Top 5 Foods to Eat Before Training

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By pro_admin

Sport is a key step when it comes to having a healthy life and an ideal weight so it is important that you practice a little of it in a regular way. Food also plays a very important role so it is advisable that you pay attention to a series of foods that you should eat before training.

The 5 best foods you should eat before doing sports

Avocado. It is one of those foods that cannot be missing in your daily diet for the numerous benefits it brings to the body. It is a source of healthy fats and energy that are essential for your body before doing some physical exercise.

Green tea. Before doing sports there is nothing better for the body than drinking a good cup of green tea. It is an ancient drink with a multitude of health benefits. Forget about coffee and opt for some green tea before heading to the gym.

Nuts. They are another source of energy and numerous nutrients that are essential for the body before starting to do any type of physical activity. A handful of nuts before you start exercising will help you feel strong and energetic.

Plantain. It is one of the best fruits to consume before starting any type of sport. It is rich in potassium, a mineral that will help you provide a large dose of energy to your body to do sports without problems.

Eggs. Eggs are one of the best sources of protein out there so they are perfect to take before you start doing some sport. There is nothing better than eating a couple of boiled eggs when it comes to realizer a specific physical activity.

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