Vegetarian diets: strengthen your health without eating meat

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By pro_admin

For many of the people who choose to stop consuming meat, vegetarianism is not only a food alternative, but it is part of a philosophy that considers it more natural and ecological to limit themselves to consuming foods of plant origin. Given this approach, we must consider whether it is possible for a vegetarian diet to provide everything necessary to maintain a healthy diet.

There are different options within the vegetarian diet, some more or less strict regarding the consumption of foods of animal origin. All share the consumption of vegetables, legumes and cereals, so it is recommended in many cases because they provide a large amount of protein, vitamins, minerals and fiber, in addition to being low in cholesterol. On the other hand, if it is not properly balanced, deficiencies of some nutrients such as vitamin B12, D, calcium, iron and omega 3 that must be consumed in supplement form may appear.

Types of vegetarian diet, food alternatives

Among the alternatives that can be found in the vegetarian diet we find some of these:

– Lacto-ovo vegetarian diet: It is the least strict alternative within vegetarianism, since it only avoids meat and fish but does accept the consumption of other foods of animal origin such as eggs and milk.

– Vegan diet: Also called strict vegetarian, in this diet no food of animal origin is consumed, limited to obtaining nutrients from vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts and cereals.

– Raw food diet: Known as “raw vegans”, followers of this diet only consume vegetables and fruits without preserving or cooking, so that in this way they retain all their properties, also avoiding those that contain starch such as potatoes or cereals.

There are advantages and disadvantages of each of these diets, which can also be used temporarily to cleanse the body, lose fat and lose weight in a healthy way, although in the long term some nutritional deficiencies may appear.

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