Vitamin E: do you consume the necessary?

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By pro_admin

We often see on the labels and advertising posters of cosmetology and hairdressing articles, that the products contain vitamin E and that makes them a commercial hook for all the myth woven around this certainly powerful substance.

Its virtues reach the point of being one of the vitamins recommended to high performance athletes to prevent injuries. But beyond that specific function, the strong antioxidant power of E has been demonstrated by being able to neutralize free radicals, preventing the oxidation of cells, proteins, lipids and genetic material (DNA, RNA).

Vitamin E belongs to the group of fat-soluble substances, that is, it dissolves in fats and is stored in adipose tissue, liver and muscles. To a lesser extent it is also found in the female and male sex organs and in blood cells called erythrocytes and platelets.

Vitamin E protects cell membranes

It protects the cell membranes of the nervous and cardiovascular system, red blood cells and muscle cells. Likewise, it reduces the need for vitamin A and favours the action of beta-carotene, vitamin C and polyunsaturated fatty acids, preventing the formation of free radicals (peroxides). Finally, it boosts the immune system, a response demonstrated after the study in several human groups.

Vitamin E is a useful dietary supplement for smokers because exposure to cigarette smoke, either actively or passively, causes a significant decrease in it in the human body.

Vitamin E deficiency

Deficiency of this vitamin can lead to the destruction of red blood cells, muscle degeneration, some types of anemias, as well as reproductive and neurological disorders due to poor conduction of nerve impulses. One of the disorders caused by malabsorption syndrome, associated with digestion, is precisely the lack of vitamin E.

It degrades easily from olive, soybean and wheat germ oils. It can also be obtained from the germ of cereals or whole grains, green leafy vegetables and nuts.

An intake of about 10 tablespoons of olive oil a day is enough to have the equivalent of the 10 or 12 mg that a healthy adult needs of this vitamin. This serving is similar to two tablespoons of sunflower oil, or two handfuls (50 grams) of almonds or hazelnuts.

It is important to know that if it is necessary to go to oral iron and vitamin E supplements, the intake of these should be spaced at least 8 hours; and that in high doses can increase blood pressure in people suffering from hypertension. It is therefore cardinal to help us with a specialist who will always be the one who can best evaluate, and treat, the causes of our ills.

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