Water is vital to fight aging and overweight

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By pro_admin

Many are the adjectives used to name some of the resources of nature. The Sun, for example, is usually called the king star; Oil is called black gold and water, theme of my lines today, is identified as the precious liquid and is that in reality, that combination of water and hydrogen that surrounds us is the source and support of life.

According to estimates of specialists, adults have 70 percent of our body composed of water. In children the proportion is much higher and that is one of the explanations for the smoothness of their skin.

Of course, the causes of flaccidity, bags and wrinkles are not only in the loss of fluid that occurs throughout growth, but also in many other aspects that derive from the interaction of the organism with the environment, including air, sun, heat, wind …

Water is vital to fight aging

Water is vital to combat skin aging and one of the secrets is to hydrate the body by providing a stable supply of water depending on the needs of each stage of life.

Under normal conditions, between 6 and 8 glasses of water per day would be enough to maintain healthy skin. This guarantees the minimum quota for the cleansing functions of the kidney and intestines. If you have dry skin, somewhat abused, the proportions should be higher, around 10 to 12 glasses per day at least and in that case, in addition to ingesting it, you can use chamomile water to refresh the skin, softening baths and plenty of fluids.

If the ambient temperature is high, perspiration increases and with it the loss of liquid. It is then necessary to drink more water to replenish the reserves. This advice is also valid when we are sick or when subjected to a greater physical effort than usual.

A good start to the day could be to drink a glass of fresh water on an empty stomach because it has proven laxative attributes and purifiers of nocturnal metabolism. Dietitians also recommend a few ounces before bed.

Water helps both thin and overweight women

Drinking water helps thin women gain weight and “passes” lose weight. For the first it is recommended to take it without limits during meals, while for the second those glasses on the table are prohibited. In the case of people interested in losing the extra kilos, it is advisable to drink water an hour or two before eating food. This supports the digestion of fat deposited in the body.

A tip: do not drink it in one go, enjoy it in sips, as if you were chewing it. You will discover that in addition to satisfying a biological need, this action can be a source of pleasure.

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