When starting a diet, it is very important to provide a series of nutrients to the body, so that it can perform perfectly day after day. One of the nutrients that cannot be missing under any circumstances are fatty acids as they provide numerous health benefits. Do not lose detail of the fatty acids that cannot be missing in your daily diet and incorporate them immediately into it.
The best essential fatty acids for weight loss
Essential fatty acids cannot be manufactured by the body, so they must be obtained through daily maintenance. The three most important are omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids and omega-9 fatty acids.
–Omega 3 fatty acids. These are the most popular healthy fats in the daily diet. They are really beneficial for health and are usually found in oily fish such as salmon, sardines or tuna. They are also found in foods such as nuts and green leafy vegetables. The consumption of this type of fat helps reduce cholesterol, protect the skin and improve the cardiovascular system.
–Omega 6 fatty acids. This type of fatty acids are very present in all meat-type foods, although whole grains, nuts and sesame seeds are also usually found. These essential fatty acids have anti-inflammatory effects, fight typical skin problems and help to have good cardiovascular health.
–Omega 9 fatty acids. It is the least known of the essential fatty acids and you can find them in foods such as extra virgin olive oil and other types of vegetable oils such as almond or canola. The main benefits of this type of fat are related to the cardiovascular system and the increase in the level of good cholesterol.